January 2024
Human Rights Abuse
Human Rights Abuse
The Global Fund works with implementers in country to ensure the protection and promotion of human rights is achieved through three actions: the integration of human rights throughout the grant cycle, increased investment in programs that remove barriers to accessing health services, and ensuring that the Global Fund does not support programs that infringe human rights.
Our Five Commitments to Human Rights
- All people, including people in detention, should have access to services and treatment.
- Only scientifically sound and approved medicines or medical practices are permitted.
- Methods that constitute torture or that are cruel, inhuman or degrading are not permitted.
- The Global Fund and its partners respect and protect informed consent, confidentiality and the right to privacy concerning medical testing, treatment and health services.
- Medical detention and involuntary isolation are to be used only as a last resort.
Why Should You Care About Human Rights Abuse?
- The promotion and protection of human rights is essential for expanding access to health services, especially for key populations and those who are most vulnerable.
- Discriminating against individuals because of their status prevents medicines and services from reaching the people who need them most.
- The fear of torture or the invasion of privacy may deter people from seeking help through Global Fund supported programs.
How Do You Spot Human Rights Abuse in Programs Supported by the Global Fund?
- People living with HIV/AIDS are refused treatment because of their sexual orientation.
- Experimental treatments are tested on people without regulatory approval.
- HIV or tuberculosis treatments are withheld from prisoners as a punishment.
- A tuberculosis patient is jailed without the option for less intrusive care.
- Doctors tell a patient’s family that the patient is HIV positive.
- Clinics refuse treatment to sex workers and people who inject drugs.
Some of the most common types of fraud and abuse are listed below. But this doesn’t cover everything. Learn more in "what to report."
Stealing money or medicine
Fake invoicing
Staging of fake training events
Counterfeiting drugs
Irregularities in tender processes
Bribery and kickbacks
Abuse of power or authority for personal gain
Conflict of interest
Personal use of assets
Please, make your report as specific and complete as possible using the following questions as a guide:
What is the type of wrongdoing you are reporting?
What happened exactly? Please provide details.
Where and when did it take place?
Who was involved? Please share full name, title, and office.
How did you become aware of this wrongdoing? Did you witness it?
Do you have evidence of this wrongdoing? (Please provide any evidence that you have) Do you know if evidence exists? How do you know, and where can we find it?
Who else knows? Can we contact them? (Please provide their contact details)
Why do you think it should be investigated?
Do you have any other relevant information?
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) guarantees protection of your identity. If you make a report in good faith, no retaliation will be tolerated. You can remain anonymous regardless of how you choose to report fraud or abuse. Please note, however, that if the OIG cannot contact you for further information or for clarification, it can sometimes make it difficult to investigate your report further.
If you want to remain anonymous, you may use the online form to report your claim. When you complete the online form, you will receive a personal identification number that will allow you to check for updates while at the same enabling the Global Fund to ask follow-up questions. All online submissions are managed by an independent company, which does not turn over your personal information to the OIG.
If you do provide your personal details when making a report, the OIG will not disclose them unless you give your explicit consent.
As soon as possible. Grant recipients are obligated to inform the Office of the Inspector General of all allegations of fraud and abuse as soon as it is known.
Staff at the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) will screen your report to determine the most appropriate action. This could lead to an investigation by OIG staff or a referral to national authorities. Alternatively, where appropriate, the matter may be referred to other areas of the Global Fund for action.